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Our Mission

To promote the wise use and care of natural resources for the benefit of the citizens of Lexington County


Things have been a little hectic as we have tried to manage our in-school programs while also working towards hiring a new Education Program Assistant. Newsletters and FB posts fell by the wayside as we tried to handle everything and we want to thank everyone for their patience during this time.

Part-Time Education Program Assistant


The issue with the link has been resolved and the job posting will be open until September 16. 


Well it's that time again. We're looking for a conservation minded individual to join our team as our Part-Time Education Program Assistant. This individual would be responsible for planning, conducting and organizing programs with schools and other organizations.



  • Experience with children’s education, preferably in environmental science education and or naturalist programs


  • Natural Resources, Biology, Education, or Agriculture background


  • 2 years Technical or 4 years College degree desired (but not required) in one of the above fields


  • Demonstrates proficiency in communication skills and technology.


  • Demonstrates ability to be an effective member of a team.



  • Learn a variety of established environmental science and naturalist programs and present them to children and adults.


  • Plan and organize programs for schools and organizations.


  • Schedule program requests in a timely manner and assist teachers in finding programs that suit their needs and standards.


  • Occasionally attend trainings for Conservation Districts and other supplemental training.


  • Write a monthly education report and coordinate information with District Manager to be presented at monthly Board Meeting.

Seed Library Program

Our Seed Library is making it's way through the Lexington libraries again.

Next month it will be at the Swansea and Gaston libraries. 

Come check it (and some seeds) out!

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Seed Library @ Swansea Library

Join us as we learn about fall crops & composting


Seed Library @ Gaston Library

Learn about livestock management & fall crops

For more information please visit our calendar and don't forget to check us out on Facebook.

  • Facebook

We had a very successful tour with 1600 attendees. Despite the heat we had a lot of fun.

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