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The Lexington Soil & Water Conservation District was organized on June 4, 1939, as a part of the Congaree Soil & Water Conservation District and became a single county conservation district on October 18, 1951. The LSWCD is managed by five local citizens' three are elected and two are appointed by the Department of Natural Resources (DNR), Land, Water and Conservation Division. Commissioners are nonpartisan, unpaid volunteers and serve four year terms.


We accept available technical, financial, and educational resources and coordinate them so that they meet the needs of the local land user for conservation of soil, water and related resources. Technical assistance comes from Lexington County SWCD staff, the SCDNR Land Water and Conservation Division, the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service and many other resource agencies in South Carolina. These agencies are called upon to help solve specific resource problems within Lexington County.


The services and assistance we coordinate are designed to help any land user, land administrator or manage, and the general public to better understand conservation of soil, water, plants and animals.


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The basic concept of wise use of our natural resources through education and outreach programs, targeting students, private citizens, government agencies, in partnership with organizations involved in land development, land management, or land protection. 


Developers and property owners plan and design onsite stormwater infiltration practices to better control erosion, slow runoff, protect and improve water quality, and protect lives and property downstream.


And put on the ground conservation systems that help agriculture producers and others improve both surface water and groundwater quality, improve soil health, and develop/protect wildlife habitats.  


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Conservation means "USE" but not "ABUSE".

Conservation education of students, teachers and the general public is a high priority. Our education program includes:


  • Providing natural resource materials & programs to schools


  • Assisting schools and teaching staff with developing outdoor classrooms


  • Conducting public meetings and clinics relating to resource management


  • Publishing a quarterly newsletter


  • Assisting developers, planners, engineers ad other professionals overcome the negative impacts of land use changes on our natural resources

We provide and coordinate a variety of technical assistance to citizens including:


  • Land use planning on cropland, wildlife land, forestland, pastureland and hay land.


  • Water management and correcting erosion problems on residential property and urban land.


  • Protecting and improving water quality of our streams, lakes and ponds.

  • Wetland and stream corridor systems


  • Aquaculture systems and their management


  • Manure management systems.


  • Finding better natural resource plats to solve problems.


  • Promoting the conservation of natural resources in all land use planning affecting our quality of life.

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123 Park Road

Lexington SC, 29072


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