The EnviroScape Model

Helps students understand the definition of a watershed, learn how they have changed over the years and what could happen from a point or nonpoint pollution event. Portable tabletop model.
Grade 5-12 (in-school program), Adults
The Difference of Soils

This program features touching and feeling different soils and determining its make up of sand, silt and clay. Discussion about the different particles and conducting a jar test to look at the amount of each particle size in different soils.
3rd – 12th GRADE (in-school program), Adults
Bee Important...

Pollinator educational program featuring the Honey Bee. Learn about Honey Bees and how they live, what they do for our food supply and what they give us.
ALL AGES (in-school program), Adults
Gifts of the Forest

An educational program about forest and the importance of conservation and management. Students take part in the educational experience and look at the benefits forest provide. Educational kits are available for loan for teachers use or presented program.
ALL AGES (in-school program)
Rainfall Simulator

The Rainfall Simulator is an excellent way to show how water from rainfall interacts with our environment. Different types of areas are depicted to show runoff, infiltration and other aspects of rainwater affects on our environment.
Grades 3-12 (in-school programs), Adults
Who’s in My Backyard Series​
Interactive programs discussing the common animals found in SC
Who’s in My Backyard: Mammals
- Who’s in My Backyard: Reptiles & Amphibians
Who’s in My Backyard: Avians
Who’s in My Backyard: Fish
Sustainability in Your Backyard
For small farms, beginning farmers, & backyard gardeners
Small Farm 101: Financial Farm Fitness
Small Farm & Backyard Gardening Management
Small Farm & Backyard Animals
Backyard Gardening: Raised garden beds
Backyard Gardening : Easy Spring Crops
Backyard Gardening: Easy Summer Crops
Backyard Gardening: Easy Fall Crops
Backyard Gardening: DIY Greenhouse
Backyard Sustainability: Composting
Backyard Gardening: Low Space Gardening
Backyard Sustainability: Seed Saving
Conservation & Creation
How to repurpose 1-use items to combat consumerism's effect on the environment
The Many Uses of Paper
- The Dangers of Fast Fashion
Energy & Water Saving
Om nom nom: Food Waste/Insecurity
Canning & Preserving Food
Jelly Making